Beatriz Vera
Beatriz Vera, violinist born and raised in Havana, Cuba. Her classical violin training began at a young age. She culminated her Bachelor's degree at the Instituto Superior de Arte. After graduating and having a successful career as part of the well-known chamber orchestra Camerata Romeu where she was able to perform along with important figures of the Latin American classical world, she moved to the United States where she continued her education at the University of Miami Frost School of Music. There, she was awarded a full scholarship and teaching assistantship to complete her Master's degree in violin performance. This provided Beatriz the opportunity to play with important icons of the American music such as David Grusin, Terrence Blanchard, Monica Mancini, Gloria Estefan, Gloria Gaynor, the Beach Boys to mention some. Although her major focus is the classical violin performance and teaching, she believes in the versatility of music and opens her heart and mind to the new and modern musical styles allowing her to perform and enjoy the experience at several events.