Become a Dry N Wet Artist
Dry N Wet is an entertainment listing service that provides automated bookings. Our clients will be able to search for your talents through filters that include your genre, location, and price range. If the client likes your profile and thinks you are the right fit for their event, they will proceed to book you through the automated booking process.
Dry N Wet provides a Free professional public platform where Musicians can display their talents and receive requests and instant bookings from clients. The process of matching Musicians and Clients is automated and hassle-free. Let Dry N Wet Help you get more gigs!
Artist Profile
Apply, get approved and upload your personal Artist Profile that will be publically viewable on the Artist Roster. Update media content and bio to market yourself!
Emails and Notifications
Receive emails and notifications for upcoming bookings. The automated interface will send you reminders and updates for all of your gigs.
Personal Calendar
View all your pending and confirmed bookings on your personal calendar. If the event you're performing in is public, it will be displayed on the Public Events Calendar for users to see and visit.
Update your Rates for Weddings, Corporate Events, Private Celebrations, and Regular Gigs. Get paid extra for bringing your own equipment and travel!